The church of the New Testament embodied five qualities that we can learn from if we want to build a biblical church
In this episode, we learn how to build a church on hope the way Jesus did—by cultivating purpose, humility, endurance, impact, and inspiration.
A lot of people are searching for hope right now, and we can find that hope if we look at Jesus
If we don't have a biblical view of Jesus, we can become consumed with our personal preferences and traditions.
The church of the Bible was dynamic, powerful, and life-changing. So why has church attendance today been declining?
The church of the Bible was dynamic, powerful, and life-changing.
When we get our happiness from God, we want to share that happiness with others.
When we have the certainty that God loves us completely for who we are, we can be satisfied no matter what.
As a Christian, you are meant to share your faith, telling people about your belief in and relationship with God.
God wants us to both have our own happy and satisfying life and to help others have an opportunity for that life, too.
Learning from Jesus to see past our failures and find our potential.
This parable will help us understand what it feels like to be lost and how God responds to that feeling by always trying to bring us home.