Nothing beats the adrenaline rush of being motivated to make a change, but how do you make that change last?
Even if we haven't arrived yet, we believe we can get there because Jesus believes in us.
We can all look to the Scriptures to learn how to build a relationship with God, the ultimate Father.
God wants to be real to us–he wants us to see him through our own eyes.
The church in the New Testament was made strong by the powerful walk with God of each individual Christian.
In this episode, we learn how to build a church on hope the way Jesus did—by cultivating purpose, humility, endurance, impact, and inspiration.
In this episode, we learn how to live a life of constant renewal and love so we can change the world by inspiring those who don't yet follow Jesus to get to know him.
We are excited to present to you an excerpt from the audio version of our upcoming book He's Not Who You Think He Is: Dropping Your Assumptions and Discovering God for Yourself.
The church of the Bible was dynamic, powerful, and life-changing. So why has church attendance today been declining?
Our new book is a guide to seeing God in a healthy way, softening our hearts to be close to him, and inspiring the world around us to discover him too.
When we get our happiness from God, we want to share that happiness with others.
We are not meant to carry our fears, guilt, insecurities, or anxieties alone.