In today’s Mini Quiet Time, we’ll give you 3 practical tips from the Bible for how you can start trusting God when you feel worried.
Check out our new Mini Quiet Time, where in Psalm 32, David comes to God to help him deal with the clutter of his heart.
Join us as we explore Hannah's journey to confidence through her relationship with God with our newest Mini QT podcast.
Join us as we discuss how to turn to God when we feel insecure.
What the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector can teach us about talking to God when we feel guilty.
Join Amy, Jynette, and Michele as they discuss this incredible parable and how we can respond to God’s love too.
What the Parable of the Great Banquet teaches us about God’s invitation is to be part of his Kingdom.
This Mini Quiet Time about the Parable of the Lost Coin can help us understand God's heart toward us when we've lost our way.
We can learn from this story that when we see how much God trusts and believes in us, we’ll trust him too.
In the Parable of the Two Sons, Jesus tells a story to help us learn why we should say what we really think.
The moment we change our view of God is the moment we will see the hope, forgiveness, and connection that come with having a relationship with him.