Join us for the first episode of our special holiday edition of the podcast, which highlights our new series, "The Unbreakable Spirit of Christmas"
It's not always easy to admit to ourselves or others when we have given up on something
What matters is we have a God who can always lift us out of the pit
God's thoughts are higher than and completely different from ours
God wants to attach to us, and he longs for us to attach to him.
One of the most amazing things about having a relationship with God is he frees us up to be ourselves
God wants to give us lasting confidence and teaches us how to get it through his early disciples.
While it isn’t wrong to feel angry, God can give us the power to handle this emotion in a spiritual and helpful way.
The heart is powerful enough to determine the course of our lives: what we feel, what we say, and what we do.
One of the many great things about having a personal friendship with God is that he satisfies.
God doesn’t want any of us to go through storms alone.
Building or rebuilding our emotional lives will allow us to grow our character as we walk with God and develop our strength from the inside out.