It helps to remember an important quality of Jesus — that he is always with us.
God wants to give us the help we need, but we have to be willing to be vulnerable enough to ask him for it.
The holidays are a time to celebrate hope, and there's nothing greater than the hope God brings with the birth of Jesus.
In today’s Mini Quiet Time, we’ll give you 3 practical tips from the Bible for how you can start trusting God when you feel worried.
Check out this week's Mini Quiet Time to learn from Jesus how to defeat your own doubts.
Though Zacchaeus came with baggage, Jesus’ decision to love anyway completely changed Zacchaeus’ life for the better.
What Gideon, an unlikely hero, can teach us about having the faith to trust God's process
In the story of Martha and Mary, we can learn from Jesus how prioritizing our relationships with God and people can truly make us happy.
Jesus can teach us how to break free from a frustrating, unsatisfying, and rule-dominated experience of Christianity to find a real relationship with God.
This Mini Quiet Time about the Parable of the Lost Coin can help us understand God's heart toward us when we've lost our way.
Jesus gives us access to insight we could never fathom on our own through storytelling.