Even if we haven't arrived yet, we believe we can get there because Jesus believes in us.
In this episode, we learn how to build a church on hope the way Jesus did—by cultivating purpose, humility, endurance, impact, and inspiration.
How to go from apathetic to inspired.
When life gets hard and unexpected challenges take their toll, it’s easy to start making compromises.
No matter what problems you may face, God has a way to make them purposeful. God helps us change our perspective so that we see problems as opportunities.
God loves us and he guides us through discipline and training, just like a father who cares deeply for his children. How and where is God guiding your life?
We are living in a time of fear-inducing chaos, when darkness is rising. We must embrace our responsibility to God and our neighbors to bring the light.
Conquer is a word descriptive of but rarely used to define Jesus. It means “to defeat an enemy, or take control or possession of a foreign land.” In this sense, Jesus comes as the light to conquer a world filled with darkness.